
Montag, 1. Juli 2013

How to make 豆獎 and 豆花 at home

Soy Milk and Soy Pudding

Hey Guys!
I made some soy milk and Taiwanese soy pudding on the weekend and really want to share with you guys. It's great for any season. In Taiwan it is served with ice in summer and hot in winter. The texture of Taiwanese Soy Pudding is not similar to normal jelly.. it is more smooth and melts on your tongue :9

I also added some Bobas and peanuts.
Now to the recipe ;)

First wash 500 g dried soybeans twice and then let them soak in water for at least 8 hours. If you are in a hurry you can also let it soak in warm water for 6 hours. The picture above shows the beans after 8 hours soaking.

Strain the beans and put them in a blender with really warm water. Depending on your blender you may divide into smaller amounts. After blending it should have a thick consistence. Put the mixture into a tightly weaved fabric and start to massage the bag, so soy milk comes out. Add more warm water to extract more soymilk.

My mom's hands :3

A little bit of foam will come out, too.

Repeat this process until all beans are blended and added to the fabric bag. You can add more or less water depending on how intense you want the taste of soy.
Put the soy milk into a big pot and start to cook it on low. Make sure you keep stirring it for about 20 minutes until it starts to boil. If the soy milk starts to boil remove immediately from the stove. Add sugar as desired. Soy Milk is done !! ~

To turn the soymilk into soy pudding you need : 

This bad contains some kind of powder.. I'm actually not sure about it, but it is for soy pudding. You can buy it at asian grocery stores or if you have the opportunity to visit asia you can also purchase it there. I guess it has the same effect as gelling agent/corn starch.
Just stir this powder into 3,3 liter of soymilk and let it cool down. After an hour the soy milk becomes a jelly-like texture. In Taiwan they usually use unsweetened soy milk for this, but you can use sweetened soy milk if you desire. Since I used unsweetened soy milk for this, I prepared peanuts and bobas in a sweet "soup".

Cook these bobas after cooking instructions. This is a Taiwanese brand. If you use other brands cooking instructions may differ from this one. For people who can't read chinese :
Cook bobas for 15 on medium and turn off heat. Don't move the pot and let the bobas soak for 10 minutes. Turn the heat on again and repeat this process 3 times (15 cooking - 10 minutes soaking - 15 minutes cooking - 10 minutes soaking - 15 minutes cooking - 10 minutes soaking). Leave them in the water and add brown sugar as desired.

Peanut soup

For the peanut soup I used peeked peanuts. These are just regular peanuts from any grocery store. Cook for 1 or 2 hours depending on your taste and add brown sugar as desired. Now combine peanut soup, boba "soup" and soy pudding in a large bowl and ENJOY !!!! :D

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